(Additional non-sport specific FAQ's are listed under the 'Information' button)
When is registration open?
Soccer registration is open from May 1-June 1 with late registration closing on June 15.
We are not able to accept any registrations after June 15.
When do practices start?
The first practice is up to the coach but most start around August 15.
How do I find out what my child's team?
Coaches are asked to reach out to their teams on/around August 1. Each coach may start their practices on different dates.
If you have not heard from a coach by August 15, e-mail the soccer directors and they can let you know the name of your child's coach.
When does the season start and how long does it last?
The season starts the weekend after Labor Day and each team usually plays a nine-game schedule that ends in early November.
There are possible post-season playoffs for fifth through eighth-grade teams that may extend the season until close to Thanksgiving.