PSR 2024-25is now open.
It is the policy of St. Peter Parish that children preparing to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation need to be in their second year of formal religious education (i.e., having been enrolled 1st as well as 2nd grade and having been in 7th as well as 8th grade.) Children who are not baptized need to be enrolled in RCIC, and children who are baptized, but have had no prior religious education are enrolled in Sacramental Preparation after one year in the PSR program.
You will create a family account and then register each student individually. You may pay online with a credit card.
Please contact PSR Principal Susan Lueker at 314.821.0460 Ext. 4212 if you need tuition assistance. All inquiries will be handled confidentially.
Register for PSR online here:
Non-parish families, please contact PSR Principal, Mrs. Susan Lueker, prior to registration. Space is limited.
Interested in becoming a member of St. Peter? Please contact the rectory at 314.966.8600 to get started.