What should you know about this October 9 event?
The worship area will be set up in the grassy space near Clay/Argonne with seating fanned out onto the parking lot. A shaded area will be reserved for those who require it.
It will be a Mass like other Sundays with music provided by our choir. Children’s Liturgy of the Word, however, will not be offered on this day.
We want parishioners to get involved in our liturgical ministries! So, after Mass, from 11:00 am -1:00 pm, you can visit tables to learn more about how you can become an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, a reader, an usher, a catechist for children, or a helper with church flowers and decorations. We have lots of roles to fill, and now’s your opportunity to sign up!
Four food trucks offering a variety of fare will be on hand for you to patronize. Stick around after Mass and socialize with fellow parishioners.