The weekly offertory at Sunday Mass is an integral part of the Sunday liturgy. It is not only the primary source of income for the parish, it is also an expression of gratitude to God for all that he has given us. The weekly offertory is to the parish what your paycheck is for your family. It is how the bills get paid: utility bills, insurance, salaries for clergy and staff, and all the other expenses involved in operating our parish.
After registering with the parish, you will automatically receive offertory envelopes by mail. Envelopes can be placed in the collection baskets during the Offertory or mailed or dropped off at the parish office at 243 West Argonne.
Electronic Giving - We have two main ways for electronic giving - Auto Debit and WeShare. Both are convenient ways to consistently make your offering to the church without having to write a check or remember your envelope.