Three (3) bids must be obtained for all proposed purchases of goods and services of $5,000 or more.
Capital Equipment, including all features and related components which comprise a single functional unit
Annual service or maintenance contracts covering a single unit or a number of similar units (e.g. copiers)
Annual quantity purchases of a specific commodity, supply item (e.g. maintenance supplies, instruction supplies), or service
All proposed purchases for goods and services (i.e. including registration fees) between $5,000 and $9,999 must be reviewed and approved by Father Matthew O’Toole, Pastor, and/or Kevin Stillman, Director of Finance and Operations, prior to making any commitments.
All proposed purchases of $10,000 or more must be presented to and approved by the parish’s Finance Committee prior to making any commitments.
Expense Reimbursement Guidelines
When submitting receipts, Reimbursement Requests, and/or St. Peter PTO “Classroom Reimbursement Requests,” please follow the guidelines outlined below.
Please submit reimbursement requests to the Rectory office or School Office (i.e. faculty requests) on a monthly basis for approval by Kevin Stillman and either Dr. Freitag, Principal, and/or the PTO Treasurer. Do NOT hold requests until the end of a semester or academic year.
Tape ALL receipts to just one (1) side of an 8 ½” x 11” paper to facilitate scanning to the Archdiocese’s Shared Accounting Department, along with the approved Reimbursement Request Form.
Provide the following: Name and Address to whom the reimbursement check should be made out.
Include with the receipts a description of the purpose of the purchase, so it can be clearly identified on any reports (“Memo” line) provided at a later date for expenditure reviews.
We issue checks every Friday, unless a Holiday. In the event such, checks are issued on the last business day prior to Friday.
Deposit Guidelines
When submitting Ministry deposits, please follow the guidelines outlined below.
Identify Ministry to which deposit pertains.
Total deposit by denomination (i.e. $1’s, $5’s, etc.) and coin.
Provide an overall deposit total
Provide an explanation as to the purpose of the deposit.
Deliver deposit to the Director of Finance and Operations at the Rectory. Do not send deposits to the School Office.
Tax Exempt Purchasing
St. Peter is a tax-exempt organization. Please help the parish be good stewards of our resources by making sure you use the tax-exempt certificate or cards when purchasing for a parish ministry.