Frequently Asked Questions
(Additional non-sport specific FAQ's are listed under the 'Information' button)
When does registration normally take place?
Registration is usually held simultaneously with Track & Field registration in late January.
When do we find out what team my child is on?
March, usually early March.
When does the season usually start?
The 1st or 2nd week of April.
When does the season usually end?
The regular season usually ends either just before or just after the 4th of July. However, teams in grades 3 and above have the possibility of entering the championship playoffs, which can go as late as the 2nd week of August.
How many games can we expect to play?
10-12 Regular League games. Your team may also play pre-season tournaments (coach's discretion) and your team may qualify for post-season championship playoffs.
When are games played?
Games are played on weeknights and Saturdays. In general, the games for the very young are almost always on Saturday mornings.
What are the minimum playing requirements?
Coaches are encouraged to balance playing time equally amongst all players, though playing time may occasionally be limited for disciplinary reasons. CYC requirements are that each player shall play a minimum of 2 innings each game and be scheduled in the batting order (CYC, as with nearly all youth baseball/softball leagues) bat the entire team lineup.
Can my child trade teams with another player?
Not normally. Any situation that might make a fair trade necessary needs to be personally handled by the Baseball/Softball Director prior to the start of the season.
How are the teams decided?
Teams are drawn from a hat for grades 3 and 4, split by ability grades 5-8. Initial split prior 5th grade season, teams re-evaluated prior to 7th grade season. An A team is established at each grade and remaining teams are formed as equally matched as possible per STPAA by-laws. Normally children of Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches are placed on their parent’s team
How can I become a coach?
Contact the Baseball/Softball Director.
What are the minimum and maximum number of players on a team?
Per the STPAA by-laws, the minimum is 13 and the maximum is 18.
What pieces of the uniform and equipment are provided, and what do I have to provide?
The STPAA provides uniform pants and shirts and a baseball hat. Each player must provide their own shoes, socks, belt and glove. Each team is provisioned with catching gear, batting helmets, bats, balls and bases.